Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bonnaroo, Steeplechase, and Fan Fair...what do these have in common...TRAFFIC

What are the three things I dislike about Nashville...

1. Bonnaroo.... No showers, No AC, No beds, No hotels, No restaurants, I mean really do I need to continue. Why in the world is there a huge festival in Manchester, Tennessee? There is one exit to get there, and the traffic...I have to take vacation over these dates just to avoid going to work in driving on the same interstate. Oh did I mention, that people die every year at this event, like multiple people...seriously.

2. yeah, yeah, yeah it's for charity, yeah, yeah, yeah. Again another event in May in Tennessee, do you know how humid it is in May. Ughhhh.... Another event that you can only access from one, two-lane road. I happen to live off of the that road, so don't even get me started on that traffic. Also, I don't need to remind you what drinking all day in the hot sun does to people. Plus, this is an expensive event, it's about $100 to just stand in the grass, if you drive, eat, or drink, tag on another $100.

3. Fan Fair...Tourists with cameras and cowboy hats, and one way streets downtown. Ahhhhhh.... Thank goodness I am not a huge fan of downtown and can pretty much avoid this event all together. Plus, let me also mention that I am a big fan of tourists! People need to travel, it's good for the economy and anyone that has a job in a tourist city, we want people spending money in our city, it's good for everyone not just hotels and restaurants. So I will take back my dislike for this event, and just stay away from it. Thank you to those visiting Nashville for Fan Fair. I still dislike Bonnaroo, as they are not tourists, they are campers, there is a difference.


  1. #1 good to see you back on blogger after a multiple month hiatus

    #2 are you angry today?

    #3 i will now buy you a hovercraft so you can float over all the traffic.


  2. Yay! Ashley told me you blogged so I had to check it out. Here are my thoughts on the topic:

    1. I HATE Fan Fair. I work downtown (and it was worse when I worked on 2nd Ave.) but seriously?!?! You have to pack a lunch every day because there is nowhere to go for lunch that will get you back to work in an hour.

    2. Bonnaroo would be the same thing as hell to me.

  3. Oh, and you forgot Brewer's Fest. Who thought it'd be a good idea to stand outside drinking beer in the middle of July? Not me. I figured that out after paying $25 to get in, sampling one beer, and spending the rest of my time under the mister while my dad finished taste-testing.
